International Adoptions

Haiti Adoptions
We are actively seeking single women and families that meet the Haitian criteria to adopt.BAF as one of 19 U.S. Agencies Working in Haiti.
Contact Lisa Peterson, our international adoption Program Coordinator, to learn more about how you can adopt from Haiti with Building Arizona Families, [email protected] or directly 623-692-4424International adoption is a wonderful way to build a family! There are many children throughout the world who are in need of parents. Economic or social issues have led to conditions in some countries where they cannot provide enough homes for their children who are in need of adoption. Building Arizona Families is dedicated to helping find adoptive families from across the United States who are ready to offer these children a safe, loving, and permanent family. As a licensed, non-profit, Hague accredited adoption agency, we are able to work with families in any state through our international adoption programs.
The Council on Accreditation (COA), a national accrediting entity designated by the US Department of State to provide Hague Accreditation and Approval, invites the public to provide comment on intercountry adoption service providers seeking Hague Accreditation, Approval or Renewal. You are invited to provide comments through COA’s website at: